Posted by Sameer on 7:48 AM

While searching some stuff on the net, I found this design of the robot. The thing which attacted me was the mechanism of driving wheels using rubber bands. I loved this idea since it enables one to rotate those wheels which don't have the diameter of their central hole equal to the axle of the motor.

I decided to make a similar robot. Here's the bot I've made:

Building materials used are:

1. DC Motors
2. Two driven wheels(Or something which looks like a wheel), I've used a part of a sewing machine(Unknown to me). I found it in Tailor's shop.
3. Supporting wheels
4. 9V Batteries.
5. A pipe(as the path)

Steps followed:

1. First step was to make the actual functioning body of my robot. I tied 2 DC motors and driven wheels together using a tape. It looked like this:

2. The gap between the two wheels was adjusted so that the pipe easily fits in between.

3. Then I made the holder for supporting wheels using a copper wire and mounted them on it.

4. The holder is designed with a gap in the middle for the pipe.


1. When the motors are connected to battery they start rotating.

2. Since a rubber band is passed over the axle of the motor and the wheel, Rotation of motor also drives the wheel.

3. The rubber band acts as a belt. Thus the energy is transmitted from the motor to the wheel.

4. Note that the wheel will only rotate if the rubber band is streched tight over the axle and the wheel. If the rubber band is loose the wheel will not rotate. The reason is, The energy is transmitted only when the rubber band is under tension and there is friction present is between the wheels and the rubber band.

5. If the pipe is put in the gap between the two wheels, the bot pulls or draws out the pipe depending on the terminals of the battery.

6. If the pipe is stationary(fixed), the bot travels along the pipe forward or backward .

7. The gap between two driven wheels can be adjusted for different diameters of the pipe. In a way, we can call him simple line-tracker bot made without use of any sensors.


Thanks to all for helping.


Unknown said...

wonderfull work done.........
u r jst a fully dedicated person who alwz try to do different thn others....
one word "EXCELLENT"...
keep it up.....

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